SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Latest news

August 11, 2024
SA Dairyfarmers Lead in Sustainability

SA's dairy industry exemplifies how agricultural practices can align with environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Sustainability has become a critical focal point for industries worldwide, with the dairy sector being no exception.

SA's dairy industry exemplifies how agricultural practices can ...

March 26, 2024
Movers and milk-shakers at Dairy Symposium

Heavy hitters from across Australia's dairy industry have gathered in Melbourne for a National Dairy Symposium hosted by the Australian Government.

The symposium brought together industry groups, dairy producers, processors and government to take the pulse of Australian dairy and ...

October 05, 2023
Access and connectivity to the Internet
Access and connectivity to the Internet

SADA is urging all it's Members to get involved and share your views on how important connectivity is to you and your business by:

take the surveydropping a pin on the map sharing your ...
October 05, 2023
MDPB Plan explained . . .

We understand there is a lot of 'hoohaa' around the MDB Plan. Having reviewed much of the official information and commentary, SADA's understanding is that the changes will have limited impact on South Australian dairy farms although an increased use ...

May 23, 2023
2023-24 Federal Budget – SADA Welcomes new money, but…

The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) today welcomed the Commonwealth’s announcement of an additional $1 billion for biosecurity measures in the budget, however, is left with questions about how that money will be spent.

Yesterday the federal Treasurer, Jim Chalmers ...

March 31, 2023
Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework
Our Dairy Promise

Four commitments in the Framework underpin Our Dairy Promise – to provide nutritious food for a healthier world.

The Framework allows us to measure and publicly report against them.

Our four commitments are to enhance ...

December 02, 2022
River Murray flooding support for Dairy Farmers

River Murray flooding support for Dairy Farmers

SADA recognises the current strains all Dairy farmers are under at the present moment along the River Murray and has been working with Dairy SA and relevant government agencies to ensure accurate information ...

October 28, 2022
Federal Budget & South Australian Dairy Farmers

27 October 2022

Federal Budget & South Australian Dairy Farmers

The Federal Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, brought down the Labor Government’s first full budget for the year 2022 -2023 this week. For a comprehensive breakdown of the budget from a national ...

March 28, 2022
Farmsafe National Farm Safety Education Fund Strategy 2021

Farmsafe Australia is committed to making Australian farms safer places to live and work.Farms are dangerous workplaces with geographically hard-to-reach audiences,who can be resistant to traditional safety messages. However, farmers are equally innovative and resilient. To cut-through and change behavior ...

March 01, 2022
Share Farmer / Dairy Manager Role

Local dairy farm in the Adelaide Hills currently has a vacant position available for a Share Farmer/Farm Manager to join their team.

The farm has great infrastructure with constantly maintained tracks, access to local amenities and tourism. Only 4 ...

November 23, 2021
Travelling into South Australia from 23 November

From today (23 November), people vaccinated against COVID-19 - including returning South Australian residents - can travel into SA but must follow entry conditions based on their risk level.If you are travelling to SA from interstate or overseas after 12.01am ...

June 22, 2020
Dairy's path to recovery Q2 Quarterly Media Release

Improved dairy prospects see milk price forecast increase, but still long path ahead to recovery – Rabobank

Global COVID-19 restrictions are easing, food service sales have resumed and dairy prices look to be on the rebound, however Rabobank’s Q2 202 ...

June 22, 2020
Dairy Farm Business Strategic Review - Highlights

Rural Business Support (RBS) engaged 30 dairy farming families to participate in a pilot Farm Business Strategic Review (‘the Program’) in South Australia in 2016. The Program included a review of each family farm’s position, a comparison to the wider ...

March 31, 2020
Industry Advice -COVID19

Food South Australia has produced a guideline to help the food and beverage industry prepare for and manage COVID-19, based on the Australian Chicken Meat Federation guideline. SA Health has agreed that this guideline is in line with current national ...

January 10, 2020
Bushfire Relief Resources

Fodder Donations

Livestock SA currently have bushfire relief fodder donation depots open to support producers affected by the Cudlee Creek and Kangaroo Island bushfires.

Cudlee Creek Fodder Donation Depot

Location: Oakbank Racecourse, accessible via Shillabeer Road ...

November 12, 2019
Call for nominations: Cattle Industry Fund Board

The Cattle Industry Fund administration and governance is transitioning to Livestock SA in 2019-20. This new process, recommended by industry, will create more opportunities for co-investment and build greater accountability to industry.

Nominations are now open for the Cattle Industry ...

September 18, 2019

Livestock SA in conjunction with SA Dairyfarmers Association (SADA) invite eligible levy payers to consider nominating for a position on the newly established Industry Fund Selection Committee.

Any cattle and sheep producer contributing to the SA Cattle Industry Fund and/or ...

April 12, 2019
SA Dairy Action Plan

As the international market place becomes more competitive and pressure grows for an increasingly global world for all forms of dairy produce smaller jurisdictions have to assert themselves to get foothold in the industry.

South Australian dairy is uniquely poised ...

February 15, 2018
Murray Darling Basin - What Now?

The last week has been filled with commentary and vitriol regarding the Murray Darling Basin Plan and its fate. South Australian dairy farmers are the last productive users of Murray River water before it heads into the Coorong. The water ...

January 24, 2018
ADF - A Voice for Australian Dairy in EU Mission

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) will fly the flag for the nation’s dairy industry when a delegation of leading agricultural representatives lays groundwork in Europe ahead of free trade negotiations.

ADF president Terry Richardson has joined with senior figures from across ...

November 24, 2017
ADF Media Release - Three New ADF Directors Elected at AGM

Australian Dairy Farmers’ Business Members today re-elected Business Directors Simone Jolliffe and Bruce Donnison to the Board, joining them will be new Business Director John Versteden and new Independent Director Ms Victoria Taylor.

Simone has a strong community leadership base having ...

November 24, 2017
ADF Media Release - ADF President Elected

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) has elected Terry Richardson as the President of the peak policy body providing collective representation for dairy farmers in Australia.

Terry Richardson operates a dairy farm with his family in Deans Marsh, South West Victoria, where he ...

June 30, 2017
ADIC Launches Code of Practice for Contractual Arrangements

Today, the Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC) launched the first Dairy Industry Code of Practice for standard form contractual arrangements.

Through consultation with state member organisations, farmers and processors, the ADIC has developed the voluntary Code to help ensure greater ...

June 17, 2017
Let’s take the ‘query’ out of Q fever

Q fever is very much in the news these days due to recent outbreaks nationally and internationally. Thanks to the efforts of various regional agricultural groups and other sectors, there has been a lot of interest regarding this condition and ...

April 28, 2017
ACC Media Release - ACCC takes action against Murray Goulburn

The ACCC has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court against Australia's largest milk processor, Murray Goulburn Cooperative Co. Limited (Murray Goulburn), alleging it engaged in unconscionable conduct and made false or misleading representations in contravention of the Australian Consumer Law ...

April 27, 2017
ADF Media Release - ADF welcomes new CEO

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr David Inall as the incoming Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Australia’s peak dairy farm body.

With a strong background working with industry and government on strategic policy ...

April 19, 2017
Milk Procurement Project Attracts National Interest

A South Australian Dairy Industry Fund project exploring what farmers want to see in their contractual arrangements with milk processors is attracting national interest.

The project set out to explore farmers' views about current payment models being offered by major ...

April 11, 2017
Milk Supply Procurement Project Report

This project involved a number of workshops with dairy farmers across several sites in the South East of South Australia and Western Victoria in December 2016.

The aim of the project was to collect information from dairy farmers as to ...

January 31, 2017
Blue Lake Dairy

Members of the SADA Board recently attended the opening of Blue Lake Dairies facility at Millicent. The event also provided an opportunity for John Hunt and Sharon Joppich to meet with Premier Jay Weatherill to discuss issues and challenges currently ...

December 16, 2016
ACCC Inquiry into the dairy industry

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is inviting dairy farmers to participate in a series of public forums. The forums are a part of the ACCC’s Inquiry into the Australian dairy industry. The purpose of these forums is to hear ...