ADF Media Release - ADF President Elected
Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) has elected Terry Richardson as the President of the peak policy body providing collective representation for dairy farmers in Australia.
Terry Richardson operates a dairy farm with his family in Deans Marsh, South West Victoria, where he has lived since 2004. The farm has seasonal calving pattern and milks 550 cows.
Terry was appointed as an Australian Dairy Farmers Business Director in November 2015 and assumed the role of Acting President in December 2016.
Terry has held several positions in the dairy industry, in New Zealand and Australia. He was a director of Kiwi Co-operative Dairies for seven years and a dairy consultant with Agriculture New Zealand for seven years. After moving to Australia, he joined his local UDV branch and was later appointed to the South West Regional Extension Committee. He was previously Chair of Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Company and served as a director of the company for nine years. Terry has served on many community boards and committees.
Earlier in the day, at the ADF Annual General Meeting, State Members, Business Members and invited guests heard from CEO, David Inall about the year in review.
“We are pleased with the achievements made this year and we look forward to continuing to deliver on our policy priorities to help deliver a more profitable and sustainable industry in the long-term,” Mr Inall said.
“It has been an honour to discuss Australian Dairy Farmers’ ongoing efforts and to advocate at a national level on your behalf.”
The ADF Board is comprised of four farmer directors Terry Richardson, Simone Jolliffe, Bruce Donnison and John Versteden, and one independent director, Ms Victoria Taylor.