SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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SADA Board

Your current SADA Board contact information is listed below. If at any time you wish to discuss any dairy related matters please don’t hesitate to contact us.

R667 347 6000 3387 w1200 h678 fmax

Robert Brokenshire


Robert is a dairy farmer from Mount Compass and former member of the South Australian Parliament. The Brokenshire family currently milk 440 jersey cows and...

Ben Mc Hugh 2022

Ben McHugh


I am a third generation dairy farmer at Mt Compass, I work with my wife Katie in a family partnership with my Brother David, sister-in-law...

IMG 0513

Gary Zweck

Board Member

Running a 250-cow TMR dairy in the predominantly broadacre cropping region of Blyth with wife Ros and son Justin, the second-generation farmer remains positive about...

IMG 0512

Tracey Cowie

Board Member

Tracey started out dairy farming on a 1400 cow farm in Canterbury New Zealand in 2005 with her husband who was raised as a beef...

Louise paltridge photo

Louise Paltridge

Board Member

Louise grew up on a small dairy farm just north of Melbourne. She went to school and university in Melbourne and was a research scientist...


Current SADA Administration contact information is listed below. If at any time you wish to discuss any dairy related matters please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Andrew Gate

Andrew Curtis


Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a history of working in the agriculture in both the public and private sector. Strong business development professional skilled in...

Elf 2022 Website

John Elferink

Policy Officer

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr John Elferink to the role of policy officer at SADA. John brings great talent and experience...

Alison 2

Alison Amber

Executive Officer

Alison Amber has been an integral part of SADA since 2018, serving as Executive Officer. In her role, she manages board administration, coordinates communications, and...


Kelly Lill


Kelly has been a dedicated member of the South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) team for over a decade, bringing invaluable expertise in financial management and...


Lachlan Jaensch


My name is Lachlan Jaensch, and I am studying a Masters in Agribusiness at the University of Adelaide. I am writing to enquire about any...


Nicole Rios


I am in my final year Animal Behaviour student at the University of Adelaide. Planning to pursue an honours degrees in 2025 to focus on...