Seeking your input - Animal Care Goal, Targets and metrics s for the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework
The Framework publicly reports progress by the broader dairy industry on issues of key importance to buyers and consumers of Australian dairy products. (See Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework - Dairy Australia)
As part of the ongoing development and implementation of the ADSF, the SSC periodically undertakes a review of the Sustainability Commitments, Goals, Targets and Indicators. A review is currently underway and any subsequent recommendations from the review, following extensive consultation, will ultimately be presented to the ADF, ADPF and ADIC for endorsement, before then being incorporated into the ADSF, if agreed.
The SSC has established a Working Group, Chaired by Simone Jolliffe, and supported by Dr Stephanie Bullen, to review Goal 7: Providing Best Care for Animals, of the ADSF. The attached Discussion Paper sets out the current position developed by the WG with respect to the review of Goal 7. We are now sending this paper to a wider group of key dairy industry stakeholders in Animal Care and would greatly appreciate your comments on the proposed Goal, Targets and Metrics. Once we have received comments, we then plan to hold a roundtable discussion with industry and other stakeholders to workshop the proposals before further consultation with ADF and ADPF members.
On behalf of Simone Jolliffe and Steph Bullen, we encourage you to review the attached paper and provide your comments – the key areas for comment we are looking for include:
- Rate the list of Indicators provided in terms of the importance to Australian Dairy Sustainability credentials for animal care
- Rate the proposed Indicators in terms of how achievable, realistic and measurable they are
- Select your top 5 priority Indicators/Metrics for Target 7.2 – All of industry adopting relevant recommended industry practices for animal care
- Select any additional Indicators/Metrics /Topics for Target 7.2
- Is anything missing that is of importance to your business/organization from the Targets, Indicators and Metrics under Goal 7
- Is there anything you strongly disagree with that has been included in the proposed Targets, Indicators and Metrics
- Any other feedback
To help collate all feedback, we would really appreciate it if you could provide your feedback via Survey Monkey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8YGHYZ7 by COB Monday 16th January 2023.