Bushfire Relief Resources
Fodder Donations
Livestock SA currently have bushfire relief fodder donation depots open to support producers affected by the Cudlee Creek and Kangaroo Island bushfires.
Cudlee Creek Fodder Donation Depot
Location: Oakbank Racecourse, accessible via Shillabeer Road Opening Times: 10:30am to 12pm each day or by appointment
Kangaroo Island Fodder Donation Depot
Location: Cape Jervis, on the corner of Fishery Beach Road and Main South Road Opening Times: By appointment only
If you are interested in donating fodder, please contact Livestock SA with the type of feed and volume you are able to donate along with the delivery options.
If you are interested in receiving any of the donated fodder, please bring your property identification code (PIC) along with a valid ID to one of the depot sites.
If transportation of feed is an issue, please liaise with Livestock SA directly.
Livestock Agistment
Livestock SA is also on the lookout for people who can provide agistment for livestock from fire-affected areas.
If you are interested in providing agistment, please contact Livestock SA using the contact details above regarding the space available and the species of livestock the space can hold.
PIRSA Bushfire Hotline
The PIRSA bushfire hotline is available for primary producers and/or animal owners seeking urgent assistance and information on agricultural impacts or animal issues that cannot be dealt with through normal veterinary or community services.
PIRSA also have officers available to assist with the assessment of injured and burnt livestock, and a list of key emergency contacts on their website.
Hotline: 1800 255 556
Website: www.pir.sa.gov.au
Injured or Stray Wildlife
For assistance with injured and stray wildlife and companion animals, please call SAVEM (South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management) at 0477 055 233
Mental health
Your mental health is of prime importance and assistance can be found through the following:
- SA Health www.sahealth.sa.gov.au
- Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 and www.lifeline.org.au
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 and www.beyondblue.org.au
- Rural Aid www.ruralaid.org.au
- ifarmwell www.ifarmwell.com.au
Financial Assistance & Donations
- Disaster Assist www.disasterassist.gov.au
- Government of South Australia www.sa.gov.au
- State Emergency Relief Fund and Personal Hardship Emergency Grants – SA Recovery Hotline 1800 302 787 www.dhs.sa.gov.au
- Disaster Recovery Allowance www.humanservices.gov.au
- Red Cross Emergency Grants www.redcross.org.au
- Vinnies SA Bushfire Appeal www.vinnies.org.au
- Salvation Army Disaster Assistance www.salvationarmy.org.au
Livestock & Land Management
Information on post-fire livestock and land management: