River Murray flooding support for Dairy Farmers
River Murray flooding support for Dairy Farmers
SADA recognises the current strains all Dairy farmers are under at the present moment along the River Murray and has been working with Dairy SA and relevant government agencies to ensure accurate information is available. This update contains three key matters:
- Funding support available through PIRSA
- Managing irrigation meters
- SA Power Networks contacts
It has been announced that support will be available to meet costs of relocating or re-establishing pumping/generator infrastructure for primary producers impacted by the River Murray floods. This includes the removal of meter registers /convertors on the Lower Murray Irrigation Management Zone (LMIMZ) in anticipation of inundation. A fact sheet outlining the process for meter removal is available here.
South Australian River Murray primary producers accessing River Murray water for primary production can register your details for more information on the application process.
SADA is happy to assist any Dairy farmers through this application process.
We recommend you keep records of costs incurred in advance of funding being open.
SA Power Networks have committed to working with all lower Murray dairy farms ahead of any disconnection. In addition, we are strongly encouraging people to register for power@myplace SMS notifications: Sign up for outage alerts - SA Power Networks
Recent announcement by the government means that power supply that traverse inundated areas are less likely to be disconnected due to an exclusion zone that has been established.
The best method of contact regarding flood specific issues is: River Murray flood 2022 - SA Power Networks.
Calls/emails will be triaged and visits to large industry customers prioritised for visits by the SA Power Networks team in the region.