Call for nominations: Cattle Industry Fund Board
The Cattle Industry Fund administration and governance is transitioning to Livestock SA in 2019-20. This new process, recommended by industry, will create more opportunities for co-investment and build greater accountability to industry.
Nominations are now open for the Cattle Industry Fund Board. The Industry Fund Selection Committee invite eligible levy payers to consider nominating for a position.
The Industry Fund Board will make recommendations regarding fund expenditure, and Livestock SA will submit these recommendations to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development for approval. Following approval, payments will be made from the Sheep and Cattle Industry Funds to Livestock SA who will disburse funds according to the recommendations of the Cattle Industry Fund and Sheep Industry Fund Boards.
Cattle Industry Fund Board
There are six positions available to cattle producers who contribute to the SA Cattle Industry Fund, and up to two independent members who will be appointed by Livestock SA via recommendations made by the newly established Industry Fund Selection Committee.
Any cattle producer contributing to the SA Cattle Industry Fund is eligible to nominate/be nominated as a candidate for the Cattle Industry Fund Board.
The primary role of the Cattle Industry Fund Board is the responsible, prudent management and disbursement of the SA Cattle Industry Fund.
- Representing the cattle industry in relation to the application of the Cattle Industry Fund
- Annual review and maintenance of the Management Plan for the benefit of cattle producers in South Australia
For more information, including the Board Skills Matrix which applications will be assessed against, please refer to the Cattle Industry Fund Board Charter available for download below.
Nomination forms are available for download below or by contacting the Livestock SA office on 08 8297 2299.
Completed nomination forms must be returned to Livestock SA by 5pm Friday 22 November 2019