Churchill Fellowship 2017 - Applications Now Open
A national award scheme that flies people to destinations across the globe in search of new ideas, innovation and excellence is encouraging people involved in the South Australian dairy industry to apply.
Worth an average of $26,000 each, Churchill Fellowships are presented to more than 100 ordinary Australians each year so they can travel independently anywhere in the world to explore a topic or issue that they are passionate about, with as many as 12 scholarships going to South Australians each year.
Importantly, you do not need any specific qualifications to apply and the Fellowships are not about formal academic study. Unlike some other scholarship programs, there is also flexibility in terms of timing and duration.
Applicants can propose a project on any topic providing there is likely to be a benefit beyond their own paddock or agribusiness, and as long as they are willing to share the knowledge gained. In 2017, several specific Fellowships are also available related to agriculture, fisheries, and rural communities. They include the Jack Green Churchill Fellowship open to anyone investigating a topic relating to the Australian dairy industry.
As many as 12 South Australians are selected every year to receive a Fellowship. Past recipients include Adelaide cheese judge and educator Gina Dal Santo, Bordertown farmer Roger Groocock, Yorke Peninsula agronomist Bill Long, Kalangadoo apple grower Chris McColl, Kangaroo Island essential oils producer Larry Turner and Barossa rose conservator Pat Toolan.