The decision to wind up Beston met with disappointment from SADA.
The winding up of Beston Global Food Company from today has been met with disappointment by the South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA).
SADA had worked tirelessly with farmers, administrators and potential investors with a view to maintaining the business as a going concern and vibrant part of the South Australian industry. In the end time ran out. Through all of this our farmers have been and remain our key priority.
This will mean that 41 farmers who are owed over $10 million, for milk supplied pre-administration will not be paid for their milk.
Further, the impact will mean that valuable infrastructure will now be auctioned off leaving a hole in the processing capacity of South Australia.
Comments attributable to Rob Brokenshire, SADA President
“This announcement is extremely disappointing. SADA has worked to support our farmers and the industry and the demise of Bestons comes as a blow to us all.
“However, the South Australian dairy farmer is nothing if not resilient and SADA will find other mechanisms to assist their members in protecting their interests into the future.
“SADA will continue to work with all parts of the industry as part of the South Australian Dairy Industry Action Plan 2024-2029. This means that the SA Dairy Industry will find ways to step away from these events and become stronger and better into the future.
“SADA wishes to thank all those who assisted with the bid for Beston and places on the record SADA’s appreciation to all of the dedicated people in South Australia who want to see a better, stronger and enduring dairy industry in the state.”