SA Milk in Hospitals
The South Australian Dairyfarmers’ Association (SADA) is concerned that South Australian government run hospitals are importing milk from interstate and overseas.
- The use of local milk allows ailing South Australian to have access to the freshest milk to assist in their recovery.
- The use of South Australian produced and processed milk ensures that jobs are created and maintained in this state at a time when the economy sorely needs them.
- The use of local milk allows the returns from sales to be invested on farms and in milk factories across the state, further adding to the economic benefit to all South Australians.
SADA CEO, Mr Andrew Curtis stated “We have written to the Government seeking their assurance that South Australian milk will be considered in all dairy supplies to South Australian government run institutions, be they hospitals, prisons or large teaching institutions.”
“We at SADA acknowledge the great support the mum and dad South Australians are providing in choosing to buy locally produced dairy products. We are pleased to work with government in Do Dairy and the I Choose SA campaign. We are confident that the government will not only talk the talk but also walk the walk in choosing SA for their dairy needs in the future.
Consumers and government officials wishing to buy South Australian produced and processed dairy products can visit www.dodairy.com.au for an extensive listing of products and companies.