Posted on February 12, 2018
Australian Organics Recycling Association Breakfast Seminar Adelaide & Mount Gambier 22 & 23 Feb 2018
Breakfast seminars for farmers in all sectors and others with an interest in applications and the numerous benefits of compost is being presented by the South Australian Branch of the Australian Organics Recycling Association. They are to be held in Adelaide on Thursday 22 Feb and Mount Gambier on Friday 23 Feb, between 7:15am and 10am. By attending, participants will receive detailed insight from leading speakers and have an opportunity to contribute on the following topics:
- An opportunity to better understand the organics recycling sector in South Australia as part of a broader circular economy that drives our state.
- The numerous benefits from a range of applications of compost and related carbon-rich products; as well as
- Carbon sequestration opportunities through participation in the Commonwealth Emissions Reduction Fund, ERF.