SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Eastern and Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plans

The amendment phase has commenced and will involve detailed technical investigations to address knowledge gaps and will also include significant community engagement, including:
•    Forming Water Allocation Plan Advisory Committees (WAPACs).
•    Consulting targeted interest groups.
•    Engaging with communities in the Eastern and Western Mount Lofty Ranges.

We are mindful that water users need to be kept informed of the process and any changes that could impact their businesses so that they can plan and make informed decisions. Throughout the process we will ensure to communicate:
•    clear information about any imminent changes so that it enables forward planning for water users,
•    how the changes might impact water users,
•    the types and scale / extent of amendments that are required,
•    the type and source of information and evidence that will be used to address knowledge gaps during the amendment process, and
•    the intended outcomes of any amendments (i.e. how the balance between environment, business and social values/needs are weighted).

We will continue engaging with the Landscapes committee as our understanding grows and can be applied. As the process continues, we encourage you to stay informed and participate in upcoming opportunities.

Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan

The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan Review public information sessions in August 2024 were attended by over 340 individuals  which were held in Kingston, Naracoorte, Mt Gambier, Millicent and online. 

A summary of the information sessions has been developed into a report along with a copy of the presentation on the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan project page. The feedback and queries from attendees will inform the next steps in the review process. 

The project page has a number of ways where you can find information and be involved in the Plan review process. From sustainable allocation to water trade and groundwater modelling;

From your thoughts on merging management areas to whether you have lowered a bore on your property in the last 5 years, we are keen to hear from you and providing feedback on your behalf.

Answer simple questions on the proposed changes. Check out the water levels from over 500 observation wells in the Lower Limestone Coast prescribed wells area. The monitoring well data is entered annually following autumn and spring monitoring. Check out a well near you.

Follow the progress of the Stakeholder Advisory Group. They will be looking at heading back out to the community and providing another round of public information sessions on the Plans review progress in March 2025.