Dear Fellow Dairy Farmer/s,
As the newly appointed President of SADA, it is a privilege to take on the role, something I do not do lightly and look forward to working with you all in the interests of Dairy from paddock to plate and a continual focus on better farm gate profits. I know we have a dedicated, energetic board and small but capable staff who have your interests as their primary focus.
At present after many tough years, we are seeing some very exciting opportunities for Dairy in South Australia with the unprecedented challenge being an increase in milk supply, SADA will need to take the lead on how we can increase the milk supply and we are about to develop a strategy on how that can be achieved. It is paramount to our futures that we maintain viable processing plants and companies in South Australia.
Whilst this is an exciting time for Dairy as always there are challenges including helping our River Murray Farmers recover from the floods, working with government and Parliament to have them aware of the opportunities and challenges facing us, advocacy, right to farm, truth in labelling, traceability, general input costs, working with ADF, Dairy Australia and the list continues. Together with the boards experience I hope to put my 22 years of Parliamentary experience back into our industry so that we can see sustainable opportunities and pathways to bring our next generation and young people generally into our special industry.
Attached is a user friendly, survey that will take only 5 - 10 minutes to complete and we would really appreciate your input it is our intention to continue to closely engage with our members and your responses will help us fine tune our strategic directions. SADA prides itself on being the longest serving farmer advocacy association commencing back in 1936 and heading towards 100 years of service. Today the association has at least as important a role as it did when founded and we need your support.
At any time you require help or advice please contact the office and Alison, Andrew or John will be pleased to assist you. You are also welcome, to contact me (Robert Brokenshire 0419/815990) or any board member with all contact details available on the SADA website.
Wishing you all good health and a great dairy farming year ahead,
Kind Regards
Robert Brokenshire
SADA President.
Start Survey Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r...