SA Dairyfarmers' Association


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Current cases: The Gippsland Outbreak 

Cases of Q Fever in Victoria are on the rise, with 77 reported cases in 2024—a significant increase compared to the previous five years. Five outbreaks were recorded between August and December 2024. Gippsland accounted for 45% of all Q Fever cases in Victoria that year, making it the region with the highest infection rates in the past decade. The disease remains a serious threat to workers in industries such as dairy farming, stock handling, livestock transport, and wool sorting.

One example is Jason Tharle, a Nambrok dairy farmer who contracted Q Fever in 2016. He was unable to work for months and could not leave his living room while managing his farm. Even years later, he still experiences ongoing fatigue from the disease.

Read the full article here: Q fever warning for farmers


Vaccine Shortages and Availability

CSL Seqirus is the world’s only manufacturer of Q fever vaccine for human use. Due to increased demand, there was a national shortage of Q-VAX® Vaccine and Skin Tests. However, CSL Seqirus has announced that stock for both will be available from February 4, 2025. 

For more information on the vaccine, contact CSL Seqirus customer service at 1800 008 275 or visit their website at CSL Seqirus Q-VAX® Vaccine. 


Where to Get Vaccinated and Preventative Measures

Before vaccination, a skin and blood test is performed. The process requires two appointments one week apart. The first includes a skin and blood test; the second determines if vaccination is required. Those with antibodies have already had Q Fever and do not require vaccination.

To minimise risk, farmers and workers should wear PPE, maintain hygiene, reduce dust exposure, and avoid contact with animal fluids.

Please contact the providers below for bookings, stock availability, and potential group vaccination options at a reduced cost.

Locations:Approved Q Fever Vaccination Providers

Further resources: Q Fever- SafeWork SA 


Q Fever registry: Important information for those vaccinated prior to 15 April 2024

The Q Fever Register moves to the Australian Immunisation Register on 15 April 2024. Prior vaccination details won't be included unless reported by a provider. You can add your Q Fever eStatement by contacting your vaccination provider and access your information until 30 June 2025.

Q fever registry is moving